About Us

About Us

At adenayasolutions.com, we connect students with highly qualified tutors ready to help them excel in their studies. Whether they need assistance with Maths, English, Science, or any other subject, our platform offers:

Qualified Tutors: Expert tutors dedicated to your success.

Free Online Classroom: Engage in interactive and seamless online lessons.

Free Calendar: Effortlessly manage your schedule.

Free Resources: Access a wealth of educational materials to support their learning.

And for the tutors, you do not need to have a physical store to sign up. Think of it as a virtual store or a virtual school, where what you sell are your tutoring services.

The Adenaya Solutions Ltd Company was founded in 2020, and has been providing quality service to the public ever since. Headquarters in Southampton, UK.  Adenaya Solution Ltd was formed by Mr Adeniyi Adenaya who has an electronic engineering background and Mrs Josephine Adenaya who has a civil engineering background. Mrs Adenaya also has a strong mathematical background and she’s eager to share her knowledge.

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