Key Stages( UK )

key stage

Key Stages( UK )

The national curriculum is a set of subjects and standards used by primary and secondary schools so children learn the same things. It covers what subjects are taught and the standards children should reach in each subject.

Key StageChild’s ageYearAssessment
Early years3 to 4
Early years4 to 5ReceptionAssessment of pupils’ starting points in language, communication, literacy and maths and teacher assessments
KS15 to 6Year 1Phonics screening check
KS16 to 7Year 2National tests in English reading and maths. Teacher assessments in maths, science, and English reading and writing
KS27 to 8Year 3
KS28 to 9Year 4Multiplication tables check
KS29 to 10Year 5
KS210 to 11Year 6National tests in English reading, maths, and grammar, punctuation and spelling. Teacher assessments in English writing and science
KS311 to 12Year 7
KS312 to 13Year 8
KS313 to 14Year 9
KS414 to 15Year 10Some children take GCSEs
KS415 to 16Year 11Most children take GCSEs or other national

By the end of each summer term the school must write a report on your child’s progress and talk it through with the parent.

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